It is difficult to suggest the best way to start marketing because people are different and achieve different results even when using the same marketing metog.
The main marketing method for beginners are listed on the following link:
Each of these methods can still be expanded, reading template method in the minds of each of us are born new ideas ....
The first and perhaps the best method of marketing is:
Tell your friends and family to check out TripleClicks
Besides you will talk to your family and friends about your activities in SFI and TripleClicks, listen up and their needs...
For example
some of your relatives need to buy a gift to someone - you can point at TripleClicks store and point to the huge range of products, propose some specific products, to show the ease of purchase, by the way mention games and prizes that they can win, how they can this award take advantage in the TripleClicks again .
Your family and friends will convey the impression their other acquaintances and already has a serious marketing and at the same time you are not intrusive or annoying.
If you are willing to invest - you can buy to yourself something you like in TripleClicks store and boast in your society ... people very positively respond to such things, and so they can say much more about your activities at SFI and encourage people to join your team.
It does not matter whether you are a beginner or not, marketing is constantly improving.
The more new, different ideas - the more satisfied on both sides.
This is a small fraction and if you have ideas turn them into your own marketing methods and you will not go wrong.
It is difficult to suggest the best way to start marketing because people are different and achieve different results even when using the same marketing metog.
The main marketing method for beginners are listed on the following link:
Each of these methods can still be expanded, reading template method in the minds of each of us are born new ideas ....
The first and perhaps the