My initial thought on this would be encapsulated with a quote "Why look a gift horse in the mouth?" But on a second thought I suppose I have a better response.
The actions may be only one point each but those do add up and they could ultimately mean the difference between whether you finish up a given month as an EA or a BTL. In that instance then the single versa points have been worth a share of free CSA reassignments.
Further though to what the todo actions are valued in points as, think instead of what they are for your business and reaching your dreams.
A few examples;
A. The forum is a point - but it also keeps you abreast of things and changes. I personally find that reading about the experiences other affiliates have had and the contributed answers are REALLY helpful to me, even though I say so often enough.
B. Movers is a point - but it is also an overview of what your down line people are doing. You should be looking at this everyday even if you weren't getting a point for it.
C. ECA and the deal of the day on TC are a point each, and new products on the todo page is another point. That's 3 points but if you do a blog post or do a share on on social media of what is there, then you greatly increase your exposure over time.
What I'm saying here is that the daily VPoints aren't just what they are, they are also what you make them and that could be nothing or everything at your choice.
My initial thought on this would be encapsulated with a quote "Why look a gift horse in the mouth?" But on a second thought I suppose I have a better response.
The actions may be only one point each but those do add up and they could ultimately mean the difference between whether you finish up a given month as an EA or a BTL. In that instance then the single versa points have been worth a share of free CSA reassignments.
Further though to what the todo actions are