Hello.A nice important question.We all are looking for a safe,reliable thrust worthly site like Linkedin and others to advertise,expand and integrate our SFI business with in a fast developing society and the fast internet world market business,not to send our efforts,hard work into spam,un seen e-mail websites where nobody/prospects can view,share,use and sign-up to earn us benefits,rewards, commissions and more.SFI recommend us not to advertise on sites less reliable for our success and safe reputation of the company.But the question is how can we detect such reliable websites,when today easy money making business are the order of the day.Our President,spent a lots of time,efforts,energy looking for methods to over come these with new developements,upgrading and changes(new games),yet,people find lop holes in the systems to enrich themselves,only to make hard working SFI Affiliates ask the same questions( how do I earn my goals),requests,suggestions daily.We should only pray and hope that our luck,efforts,confidence,dedication and determination proof us and our SFI business right.All the best and good luck.
Hello.A nice important question.We all are looking for a safe,reliable thrust worthly site like Linkedin and others to advertise,expand and integrate our SFI business with in a fast developing society and the fast internet world market business,not to send our efforts,hard work into spam,un seen e-mail websites where nobody/prospects can view,share,use and sign-up to earn us benefits,rewards, commissions and more.SFI recommend us not to advertise on sites less reliable for our success and safe reputation ...more