Its a very good question .There is a translator option at the bottom page right side. You can translate the page of SFI or Triple clicks and copy and paste it to the local classified or marketing websites where you can post your advertisement. Also you can write your own and copy and paste it to google translator where you can translate your own language and copy and paste it to local classified, forums, blogs. Also you can copy and paste your translated page to facebook, twitter where you native country language and understand and see the advertisement and sign up there.
Its a very good question .There is a translator option at the bottom page right side. You can translate the page of SFI or Triple clicks and copy and paste it to the local classified or marketing websites where you can post your advertisement. Also you can write your own and copy and paste it to google translator where you can translate your own language and copy and paste it to local classified, forums, blogs. Also you can copy and paste your translated page to facebook, twitter where you native ...more