SFI "family" members are spread over 200 countries around the world; hence, most "members" and "team-leaders" are likely to have "Sponsors" or "Team Members" of different nationalities, some of them may have problems in "communicating" or "participating", in English, in activities, such as, Learning from Training Material, Teaching/Assisting one's downline to "Duplicate" and "Build their own Teams", Participaitng in the Forum, etc.
But, "Language" cannot and should not be a "barrier" for business!
Hence, the "support" facilities like "Language Selection/Translation", sharing in "Regional Language" in the Forum, etc. help both the Affiliates & the Team-leaders in...
i) Expressing themselves, their querries, difficulties, suggestions, tips, etc.will be easier, (particularly for affiliates who feel that they don't get any support from their Sponsors or Co-sponsors and for those Team-leaders whos need advice in building their business!
ii) Better Understanding and Learning of the Business, Keys for Success, Over-coming Hindrances/Failures, etc through the "Experience" of people from the same country/regional, expressed in their own, native language!
iii) Finding good friends with similar business interest, discussing about products/ECAs, advertising strategy, etc. by sharing one's "Knowledge" in local "Language"!
In short, the Key to a Success in SFI is "Communication" and "Conveying the Message" in a "Clear & Understandable" Manner, to one's downline/team-members & teach them to follow the same!
Hence, the recent introduction of posting threads in one's own "Regional" Language is really a "Welcome" and "Useful" Tool, for everyone, the "Affiliates", "Team-leaders" and the "Forum Participants"!
Use it and be Benefitted!
Best Wishes!
SFI "family" members are spread over 200 countries around the world; hence, most "members" and "team-leaders" are likely to have "Sponsors" or "Team Members" of different nationalities, some of them may have problems in "communicating" or "participating", in English, in activities, such as, Learning from Training Material, Teaching/Assisting one's downline to "Duplicate" and "Build their own Teams", Participaitng