There is no sure thing to say that will prevent inactivity, unfortunately!
But, take heart, because good communications from the beginning will go a long way towards keeping your team active. Always be positive in the weekly tips messages you send, and use the stream post to send your thoughts, too.
You need to be in frequent enough contact with your downlines to make them realize that you really will be there to help them if they get into difficulties, or have questions. Always try to provide them with the information they need, including the locations for finding it for themselves, but not in an abrupt, short way that will make them think you think ill of them for not finding it by themselves. Some people need a little more "led by the hand", while others are better explorers.
Be happy with all of them, do your best to give them the help they need, and hopefully(!!), they will stay active!...
There is no sure thing to say that will prevent inactivity, unfortunately!
But, take heart, because good communications from the beginning will go a long way towards keeping your team active. Always be positive in the weekly tips messages you send, and use the stream post to send your thoughts, too.
You need to be in frequent enough contact with your downlines to make them realize that you really will be there to help them if they get into difficulties, or have questions. ...more