Hello Rosafilipina,
In spite of all the helpful information affiliates in our downline receive when they join SFI, the truth is, most of them have no prior business experience, many have limited knowledge about affiliate programs or online marketing, some are not in the habit of reading much and others may not be very computer savvy.
Faced with such a vast amount of information that might as well be written in hieroglyphs, many affiliates don't know what to do or where to start, which could be the reason why they remain inactive. In order to give them a sense of purpose, I recommend they focus on a single task until they feel more comfortable: their Daily Actions (red and grey tabs).
One Daily Action in particular, visiting the Forum, allows them to meet a host of friendly and helpful affiliates who will make them feel right at home by answering any questions they may have. When new affiliates see that others who are in their same situation are able to advance and prosper, they will realize that they can too.
By repeating their Daily Actions, affiliates will become more confident about what they are doing and as their confidence grows, so will their natural curiosity. At the same time, they will be establishing a solid foundation from which to grow their business to heights they never dreamed of before joining SFI.
Hello Rosafilipina,
In spite of all the helpful information affiliates in our downline receive when they join SFI, the truth is, most of them have no prior business experience, many have limited knowledge about affiliate programs or online marketing, some are not in the habit of reading much and others may not be very computer savvy.
Faced with such a vast amount of information that might as well be written in hieroglyphs, many affiliates don't know what to do or where to