This is very important question Mr Vehbi Hoxha.
In my opinion you should recruit the people to become SFI affiliate, if they are not English speakers/readers because now a days English is not a so big problem. We have solutions for the same problem. Your non English affiliate can use translate option at the bottom of SFI page, where they can easily change the page in their own language for their work. They also use the google translator for the same problem. You should communicate them their work in their own language through on line translator, so you should recruit the non English people to become SFI affiliate to promoting your SFI business.
With best regards
This is very important question Mr Vehbi Hoxha.
In my opinion you should recruit the people to become SFI affiliate, if they are not English speakers/readers because now a days English is not a so big problem. We have solutions for the same problem. Your non English affiliate can use translate option at the bottom of SFI page, where they can easily change the page in their own language for their work. They also use the google translator for the same problem. You should communicate them their ...more