Absolutely! You are their upline leader and as such they all look to you for guidance. Now I definitely concur that your 2G has a capable mentor/teacher/leader/friend because you helped trained them! Don't steal their thunder! Let them shine and lead their team. It shows them that you have confidence and trust in their abilities.
Think of it as a organization. There's corporate, Area Managers, District Managers, then Store level managers. Corporate rarely shows up at the store! The front line managers are the ones who are in direct contact with their sales staff. Similarly, your job is to provide needed support and motivation to the team. As a upline leader, you should organize events & promotions, provide incentives, and coordinate recognition through out your network. Always facilitate the 'open door' policy.
You should be highly visible to your entire team. Answer all emails with-in 48 hours or earlier if possible. Make your phone number available and your email address. Show your team how much you appreciate their efforts by offering them continuing support through all the stages of their development. Your life will be much easier if you teach your 1G affiliates everything that you know; then, allow them the space to work with their sales teams. Ultimately, sponsors gain the greatest benefit (up to 72% of the commission volume)and should provide the bulk of the support to their teams. Never tell anyone that you can not help them. Point them in the right direction and help them because we are all in this together.
Absolutely! You are their upline leader and as such they all look to you for guidance. Now I definitely concur that your 2G has a capable mentor/teacher/leader/friend because you helped trained them! Don't steal their thunder! Let them shine and lead their team. It shows them that you have confidence and trust in their abilities.
Think of it as a organization. There's corporate, Area Managers, District Managers, then Store level managers. Corporate rarely shows up at the store! ...more