I personally believe that you should reach out to your down-line no matter what level they are on.
The team leaders in your down-line should be excited about someone in their up-line is helping their team to succeed.
Sooner or later you will reap rewards for helping those in all your levels - that is what SFI is all about - "help others to be successful and you in turn will become successful.
Check your genealogy and movers tabs find those who are collecting VP and give them an invitation to help no matter what level they are on - even CSA,s.
I would reach out to anyone in my downline even if I didn't get rewarded for it. What SFI rewards you receive as you climb the success ladder is icing on the cake.
I personally believe that you should reach out to your down-line no matter what level they are on.
The team leaders in your down-line should be excited about someone in their up-line is helping their team to succeed.
Sooner or later you will reap rewards for helping those in all your levels - that is what SFI is all about - "help others to be successful and you in turn will become successful.
Check your genealogy and movers tabs find those who are collecting VP and give ...more