It is very interesting question. It’s not your wish and sweet will about using a brief overview of SFI or lengthy, detailed information, but you are generally compelled to do so. Length of your advertisement would generally depend on the place of advertising.
For example on a Website of yours, your blogs etc. you are able to give completed detailed information of SFI Business because you have lot of space available to you. You can also send detailed information of SFI review on Safe lists, as many safe Lists allow you to submit from 5000 to 10,000 words per advertisement.
When it comes to Traffic Exchanges or Ad Exchange Programs, you are limited by the number of words that you can use. They only allow one liners with a link. Also on Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media Networks you cannot use detailed information. At the most you can use 2-3 lines of your Ad.
But once a prospect has joined your business, you free to provide him/her with detailed information about SFI. Rather I would say, it is the perfect opportunity now to provide him/her with detailed overview of SFI
It is very interesting question. It’s not your wish and sweet will about using a brief overview of SFI or lengthy, detailed information, but you are generally compelled to do so. Length of your advertisement would generally depend on the place of advertising.
For example on a Website of yours, your blogs etc. you are able to give completed detailed information of SFI Business because you have lot of space available to you. You can also send detailed information ...more