The To Do List is important for attaining your daily action points. Teaching your team to read the launchpad again and again will give them knowledge of other actions that can help. Explain the income page and have them read of how income is made and how they get paid is a viable source to have them want to do more. It is very important for your downline to understand Triple Clicks and how to advertise for products and make commission. People will only act if they understand and feel an importances of moving forward. Give them reasons to do more like incentives( psa,t- credits exc...)
People seem to move when persuaded by reinforcement.
The To Do List is important for attaining your daily action points. Teaching your team to read the launchpad again and again will give them knowledge of other actions that can help. Explain the income page and have them read of how income is made and how they get paid is a viable source to have them want to do more. It is very important for your downline to understand Triple Clicks and how to advertise for products and make commission. People will only act if they understand and feel ...more