Hello Sharon,
It would be very time consuming to provide personalized attention to a large and active downline, and if you try to do it all by yourself, many of your active affiliates could fall through the cracks or feel that their needs are not being met.
Imagine for a moment that you are the CEO of a large company. You would of course hand-pick your best workers and delegate an important part of the operations to them. They, in turn, would do exactly the same with their best workers.
In the case of SFI, I believe the best way to manage a large and active downline is to select those among your first generation PSAs who have what it takes to be good Team Leaders, then reassign other less driven but equally active PSAs to their teams, and let them take over the reins.
That way you will have more than enough time to provide personalized attention to your smaller group of Team Leaders, and in the process you will be helping them attain higher ranks and become more profitable.
Hopefully your Team leaders will see the advantages of this process and follow your example by doing the same for their best workers, thereby making your entire downline run as efficiently as a well-oiled engine.
Hello Sharon,
It would be very time consuming to provide personalized attention to a large and active downline, and if you try to do it all by yourself, many of your active affiliates could fall through the cracks or feel that their needs are not being met.
Imagine for a moment that you are the CEO of a large company. You would of course hand-pick your best workers and delegate an important part of the operations to them. They, in turn, would do exactly the same with their