I think one of the primary benefits of Pricebender auctions for anyone is the fact that they can win an item for pennies on the dollar. There is also the FUN of watching the clock tick down and putting your bid in. Playing is fun and quite addicting (one of the reasons Ebay became so infamous)! In addition to that, every bid earns at least 5 MRP (and sometimes 10 on 2X auctions) which can be used to purchase cool items from TripleClicks. I bought two Christmas gifts this year using just MRP which saved me some money!
Secondary for affiliates is the fact that they earn one PSA for every 50 bids they place. Every PSA is an opportunity for us to teach someone how to be successful with SFI which increases our own income.
So to sum it up, assuming your prospect is a non-affiliate: your prospect can have a lot of fun trying to win great prizes. It is a great way to pass a boring, rainy day into an exciting day at home on the computer. Best of all, if they play smart and win, they receive an item that they save hundreds of dollars on such as with the Chromebook or one of the smartphones. In addition, they get 5MRP per bid which adds up pretty quickly. They can then use those MRPs for free items (with free shipping!) at TripleClicks.
I think one of the primary benefits of Pricebender auctions for anyone is the fact that they can win an item for pennies on the dollar. There is also the FUN of watching the clock tick down and putting your bid in. Playing is fun and quite addicting (one of the reasons Ebay became so infamous)! In addition to that, every bid earns at least 5 MRP (and sometimes 10 on 2X auctions) which can be used to purchase cool items from TripleClicks. I bought two Christmas gifts this year using just MRP which ...more