I do not think its so much so the fear of success as much as it is the effort factor that each person puts into the program. We all have been there, that spot where you feel overwhelmed at points and times where you step away and may or may not comeback at a later date, only to realize you have let days go back before taking action. When your team member or affiliate signs on and becomes an actual member at that point and time you have to encourage them to be true to self. You have to give them something to look forward to in growing their business. So many people or potential affiliates I have talked to about this business would say well if it is a free signup how can I grow to make money. Simple, team building, it is kind of hard to work for yourself without a proper team around you. Growth is important here, and so is duplication for the most part. The number one point you can get across to a new affiliate is, Belief, yes belief. They will always ask themselves, can I do this, can I do that and most will never try. Give them a helping hand in the business, get them to log on everyday even if it is just to look around, the more they see they more they will open up and put 2 and 2 together. We never have to reinvent the wheel so to speak but if you put them in the right spin of that wheel I'm sure they will keep it going without falling out.
I do not think its so much so the fear of success as much as it is the effort factor that each person puts into the program. We all have been there, that spot where you feel overwhelmed at points and times where you step away and may or may not comeback at a later date, only to realize you have let days go back before taking action. When your team member or affiliate signs on and becomes an actual member at that point and time you have to encourage them to be true to self. You have to give them something ...more