The answer to this question could be very lengthy. The basic idea however is very simple. We all want to make a lot of money - and we can make more by getting others to help us than to do it by ourselves. The beauty of a business like SFI is that the structure allows for you to have many affiliates doing work from which you can profit. Getting those affiliates to the point of making money takes effort on your part and if we are talking about a lot of affiliates, then we are talking about of lot of work (too much work) for you. The answer to this is to take a few affiliates and assist them in becoming leaders who teach others, and so on. That way everybody profits and does so without being overworked.
The answer to this question could be very lengthy. The basic idea however is very simple. We all want to make a lot of money - and we can make more by getting others to help us than to do it by ourselves. The beauty of a business like SFI is that the structure allows for you to have many affiliates doing work from which you can profit. Getting those affiliates to the point of making money takes effort on your part and if we are talking about a lot of affiliates, then we are talking about of ...more