During your work in SFI you will have chance to sponsor many,many PSAs (and CSAs),but only few of them will be recognized as those who will really work.Some of them from the very start of joining SFI,some later (when they found out all the benefits of SFI).
As advised many times before,"work with workers".Which means work with those recognized,who are ready to invest their time (at least that) in SFI.Your "job" is to find 5 of them (or so) during a month and to sponsor them.
What "sponsor them" means?It means that you "transfer" all your knowledge and your skills to them.So that they can achieve what you have achieved.That is in short the process of "duplication".As said in SFI Basics (https://www.sfimg.com/SFIBasics),under #3,that is what you,as the sponsor or co-sponsor,should be doing.
Now,about your question.
It's important to have team members on leadership roles,because of the benefits you'll have.They are material and non-material.
Material benefits:
1. you will benefit from their status,because for each team leader that you sponsor (and also for each EA2,which is something between team leader and affiliate) you will be granted some extra VP for that.And that is (you can check it also on To-do list):
100 VP for sponsored Executive Affiliate 2 (EA2)
150 VP for sponsored Bronze team leader (BTL)
200 VP for sponsored Silver team leader (STL)
250 VP for sponsored Gold team leader (GTL)
300 VP for sponsored Platinum team leader (PTL)
2. you'll also have benefits through direct commissions from your affiliates.OK,that's generally,whether or not they are team leaders.
3. and you will benefit from the status of their team too,through matching points.Your team members,who become team leaders,will most probably have their own team (their downline).Then,you will get "matching points" from each member of their downline (which is also,by the way,your downline) who is EA2,BTM,STL,GTL or PTL - and that's up to 12 level "in depth"!Besides direct commissions and matching points you'll have from your directly sponsored (and co-sponsored) members.See more details at Compensation plan,under #1 and #2 (https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/CompPlan#3).
Non material benefits:
1. it means that in process of duplication we did everything as we should.We transfered our knowledge to our member(s),and we've made him/her/them leaders.That's the art of duplication.To be a teacher and that your pupil(s) become what you have become.
2. and maybe greatest reason of the all above - when you see that your member have succeeded,and you know you taught him or her to do it,and you look at it as your masterpiece - I bet you'll be very proud of yourself.That's something that money just can't buy.
During your work in SFI you will have chance to sponsor many,many PSAs (and CSAs),but only few of them will be recognized as those who will really work.Some of them from the very start of joining SFI,some later (when they found out all the benefits of SFI).
As advised many times before,"work with workers".Which means work with those recognized,who are ready to invest their time (at least that) in SFI.Your "job" is to find 5 of them (or so) during a month and to