There are two ways to verify that emails are getting through that come to mind.
1.) Automated email Return Receipt.
a) Create a database in your email client outside of the SFI system.
b) Send the email with a return receipt requested tag attached.
c) When the email is opened, their email client will prompt them to authorize the sending of a return email to you which confirms that the email was opened.
d) If they allow it, an email will come to you that confirms receipt.
2.) Pose a question and ask them to respond.
These are the only ways that I am aware of to be sure that the messages are getting through.
There are two ways to verify that emails are getting through that come to mind.
1.) Automated email Return Receipt.
a) Create a database in your email client outside of the SFI system.
b) Send the email with a return receipt requested tag attached.
c) When the email is opened, their email client will prompt them to authorize the sending of a return email to you which confirms that the email was opened.
d) If they allow it, an email will come to you that confirms receipt.