The first thing I would do to make sure my CSAs and PSAS are receiving my email messages is to check the email address provided in their Affiliate Snapshot Profile.
I would also check my Genealogy to see if there is a green envelop icon alongside their names.
When sending messages, I would request a feedback or comment. If I am running a team contest, or whatever team activities that need input from my CSAs and PSAs, I would leave a question, or ask for their comments and suggestions. If the team contest or any team activities interest them, they will respond via team mail.
Another way of ensuring that my CSAs and PSAs are receiving my email messages is to check my inbox for any technical reasons why my email was undeliverable as soon as I hit send. If no notice of failure to send, then the message has gone through.
The first thing I would do to make sure my CSAs and PSAS are receiving my email messages is to check the email address provided in their Affiliate Snapshot Profile.
I would also check my Genealogy to see if there is a green envelop icon alongside their names.
When sending messages, I would request a feedback or comment. If I am running a team contest, or whatever team activities that need input from my CSAs and PSAs, I would leave a question, or ask for their comments and suggestions. ...more