Most people never make enough effort to discover exactly what this business has to offer or how it works. Sure the amount of reading required may turn off some people, but most never get that far! Most people have a problem concentrating on one thing for any extended period of time. Call it attention deficit disorder on a massive scale if you will, but most people live their lives running from one emergency to the next with no attention spent on where that mode of living takes them. The people who succeed in this business focus intently on where they want to go, and realize that in reality, they don't have a lot of other options that will take them there. Sure, there is work involved, and a lot of it, but so is there in anything else worth doing. People are not lazy if they see and understand the option this business provides.
Most people never make enough effort to discover exactly what this business has to offer or how it works. Sure the amount of reading required may turn off some people, but most never get that far! Most people have a problem concentrating on one thing for any extended period of time. Call it attention deficit disorder on a massive scale if you will, but most people live their lives running from one emergency to the next with no attention spent on where that mode of living takes them. The people who ...more