Creating own SFI Co-operation is of same importance as that of creating a blog in SFI. We have to understand that the SFI business stands on effective and goal oriented people. By creating SFI Co-operation and by sending blog in SFI are the ways of finding effective people in this business. Sending blog in SFI may be transmitted only among the team members, but seeing the in-depth knowledge of the Team Leader, the team members get more motivated to go ahead further with this team and in turn they can inspire more team members to join by referring the quality of the Team Leader. Here only the knowledge and motivation of the team leader works to draw more team members in a team. All new joinees may not be effecive but as per thumb rule out of 10, 1 team member seems to be effective.
Similarly by creating SFI Co-operation we can get team members. There also 1 : 10 formula works.
Both these processes are ways of drawing more people in the business because effective, hard working, motivated people are the raw materials of SFI business.
Creating own SFI Co-operation is of same importance as that of creating a blog in SFI. We have to understand that the SFI business stands on effective and goal oriented people. By creating SFI Co-operation and by sending blog in SFI are the ways of finding effective people in this business. Sending blog in SFI may be transmitted only among the team members, but seeing the in-depth knowledge of the Team Leader, the team members get more motivated to go ahead further with this team and in turn they ...more