Tracking your ads is very important and the best way to do this is the be very methodical. Use a spreadsheet that tells you where you are advertising and use a keycode for every place you advertise. If you are using safelists you want to also track the 5 major components of your email copy: the subject line, the body, the call to action, the signature line and the PS. For this, track these 1 at a time. If you change to many variables at once, you don't know how to trace the results. You should track your banners, text links, login ads, and everywhere you promote. Every aspect of the promotion is important so track it. The end goal of course is to find that sweet spot that yields the best return on your time and money spent.
Tracking paid ads is a little different from tracking free ads but you still perform the same strategy. Track each component of the ad creative to include the destination url and the landing page. Tracking for clicks, click through, and conversions are paramount. If you are promoting products you also need to know your earnings per click.
Tracking your ads is very important and the best way to do this is the be very methodical. Use a spreadsheet that tells you where you are advertising and use a keycode for every place you advertise. If you are using safelists you want to also track the 5 major components of your email copy: the subject line, the body, the call to action, the signature line and the PS. For this, track these 1 at a time. If you change to many variables at once, you don't know how to trace the results. You should ...more