Where can I find SFI success stories? And/or perhaps YOU have one to share?
You can find success stories at the Stream posts, at the Growth tab. and at the Forum. A success story can be accomplishments and acheivements even on a small scale. It is a success story when a new person signs up and makes EA within 24hrs. or make Bronze , Silver, Gold , or Platinum within their first few months of joining SFI.
Another place is the Top VP Leaderboard! It is quite an accomplishment to see SFI affiliates scoring 80,000 Versapoints in a month!
All these things are success stories to me, and when people read things like this, it helps them to get motivated and excitied to see the possiblities of so many people moving on to becoming successful in SFI. As the expression goes.."if they can do it, I can too! "
Where can I find SFI success stories? And/or perhaps YOU have one to share?
You can find success stories at the Stream posts, at the Growth tab. and at the Forum. A success story can be accomplishments and acheivements even on a small scale. It is a success story when a new person signs up and makes EA within 24hrs. or make Bronze , Silver, Gold , or Platinum within their first few months of joining SFI.
Another place is the Top VP Leaderboard! It is quite an accomplishment ...more