You can find so much free (and often very good) information on the internet that it’s sometimes difficult to decide what to write about. I find that following a formula helps a lot.
Intro: Give a brief overview of the past week. Mention team members who did well etc.
Body: Find an interesting and informative article about network/internet marketing and rewrite it.
Use this tip from Ask SC: Write a good answer to an interesting question and put that in your newsletter
Conclusion: Ask for input and suggestions. Wish your team members the best for the coming week. I also like to add a motivational quote.
You can find so much free (and often very good) information on the internet that it’s sometimes difficult to decide what to write about. I find that following a formula helps a lot.
Intro: Give a brief overview of the past week. Mention team members who did well etc.
Body: Find an interesting and informative article about network/internet marketing and rewrite it.
Use this tip from Ask SC: Write a good answer to an interesting question and put ...more