SFI has provided free marketing aids and tools that we can use to help us in our prospecting campaign which may involve approaching people face to face .
In the process of building an SFI business, one becomes knowledgeable and will have learned a lot about marketing, sponsoring, and promoting SFI and TripleClicks. This valuable knowledge will be so handy when one has to approach people face to face.
There are also plenty of self-help and motivational books that can help in improving ones’ self-esteem, if applied at the right time and when occasion presents itself.
When you are in a face to face situation, the best thing you can do is to control your feeling of inadequacy. Give yourself a pep talk, that you are going to give a very valuable information and that you have something very important to say.
With a friendly smile, begin by asking simple questions.
Remember the one who asks the question has control of the conversation.
Be interested. Ask about the person’s family, wait for response; then ask about the person’s occupation, what he does, and what sort of recreation he and his family love doing together. This last question will provide you with a message, listen very carefully. This is your opening.
Depending on the message you hear, you may want to talk right there and then about SFI and TripleClicks, but it will be better to let the other person talk freely about himself. Then, just as you’re saying goodbye, ask for his business card, if he has any, then give yours along with X=Cards you may have with you. Because you have built a rapport and, hopefully, friendship and trust, you will have reason to follow up and will be much more comfortable in talking about SFI and TripleClicks.
SFI has provided free marketing aids and tools that we can use to help us in our prospecting campaign which may involve approaching people face to face .
In the process of building an SFI business, one becomes knowledgeable and will have learned a lot about marketing, sponsoring, and promoting SFI and TripleClicks. This valuable knowledge will be so handy when one has to approach people face to face.
There are also plenty of self-help and motivational books that can help