It is natural to talk to people about what you do when you do what you do naturally. :) If SFI and TripleClicks is part of your daily life people will see and actually ask YOU about it. But here are a few more ways to get people's attention that they come to you.
1. TripleClicks has products and accessories you can wear or carry around so when people see it they will ask what it means.
2. Tell them about a product you just purchased from TripleClicks that you really enjoy or have found value in your life. They will ask where you got it from.
3. Always have business cards on you. Leave them with friends, restaurant servers, bank tellers, post them on billboards.
4. Tell them you are in a contest and you need a favor from them. Just invite them to sign up and no purchase or credit card is obligation.
5. Find out what items or supplies they are interested in and offer to find it on TripleClicks for them.
6. Always approach them with passion and sincerity. The worst thing people can do is say no...and that isn't always bad.
It is natural to talk to people about what you do when you do what you do naturally. :) If SFI and TripleClicks is part of your daily life people will see and actually ask YOU about it. But here are a few more ways to get people's attention that they come to you.
1. TripleClicks has products and accessories you can wear or carry around so when people see it they will ask what it means.
2. Tell them about a product you just purchased from TripleClicks that you really enjoy or ...more