My frame of mind says, "Where business is concern, one must never consider reaching mediocrity as an achievement." Indeed, it's a matter of attitude. Attitude breeds desire, in one way or another. One who desires very little, in all likelihood that's what he or she will receive. For those who desire a lot, there's a different kind of motivational 'attitude' that kicks in for them. Success doesn't seem quite as far away or impossible as it once did. And I truly believe, we, each one of us, is responsible for our own attitude. So, then, why not develop within yourself, a positive attitude?
My frame of mind says, "Where business is concern, one must never consider reaching mediocrity as an achievement." Indeed, it's a matter of attitude. Attitude breeds desire, in one way or another. One who desires very little, in all likelihood that's what he or she will receive. For those who desire a lot, there's a different kind of motivational 'attitude' that kicks in for them. Success doesn't seem quite as far away or impossible as it once did. And I truly believe, we, each one of ...more