In my view both are important to the development of our SFI business.Local places are not to be ignored at all.Always keep flyers/banners/brochures/business card on Tripleclicks/SFI ready with you.If some relatives or friends drop by your place do not forget to hand them out these publicity articles.You do not have to call them up separately for handing out these smartly looking SFI/TripleClicks publicity articles.Any acquiantance who drops by can also be given these above mentioned publicity articles after the initial greetings.There should be places where young people hang out like colleges, parks maybe Mcdonalds ,Burger King,you can casually stroll up to any college meet the dean or principle give him/her your business card just ask for the permission to use the college notice board where you pin up SFI/TripleClicks flyers etc.If you get permission you can as well visit the teachers common room and your flyers the same way as before.Please remember to have your e-mail address and where applicable mobile number in those flyers and your gateways printed in those flyers must have Key codes.Once you start facing strangers your initial hesitation will vanish like magic .It is only the "will to push yourself " that can take you towards definite success.Of course now is the age of internet it is also vital that you must have your own website which can be best designed by professionals.After putting your advertisements for recruiting as well as promoting the more than 96,000 fantastic products that our store -TripleClicks have.You should submit your website to Search Engine Optimization though point to be noted that your website can remain at the top of Search Engine temporarily,you can also subscribe for"Traffic Exchanges " please be careful not to get confused by an array of offers as I have been .Please note your website to invite customers to buy TripleClicks products should be customer -friendly and easy to navigate.You must use hit tracking and be prepared to be online for longer period of time.
In my view both are important to the development of our SFI business.Local places are not to be ignored at all.Always keep flyers/banners/brochures/business card on Tripleclicks/SFI ready with you.If some relatives or friends drop by your place do not forget to hand them out these publicity articles.You do not have to call them up separately for handing out these smartly looking SFI/TripleClicks publicity articles.Any acquiantance who drops by can also be given these above mentioned publicity articles ...more