It can be hard to start up a conversation if you are not an outgoing person. Here a few things you can do to help yourself improve your face-to-face skills.
The first thing I would do, if you have a car, is buy the Wave3 starter kit and apply the decal to your car. This serves as a good ice-breaker, as there will be people who are curious and ask you about it. Make sure you carry some business cards with you that include your TC gateway URL on them, so you can hand them to people in exchange for their contact details.
You should also sit down and write a 1-minute introduction that outlines the main benefits of TriplClicks and SFI. Make it sound as natural as possible, and then memorize it. That way you are ready to give a summary to anyone who asks about your W3 sticker, or anyone else you are talking to about your new business.
When you do talk to someone, try to be as natural as you can. People can sense a sales pitch, and most will immediately put up a defensive wall. Put yourself in their shoes, and try to focus on what you think they may be most interested in. For example, you could talk to young people about TC Music or EZ games, or talk to older people about the range of health products, or talk to homemakers about the social interaction in the forums or the penny auctions or the trivia game.
Don't try to sell the opportunity. Our job is marketing, not sales. Marketing is simply sharing information about the opportunity and telling people where they can find out more. Leave the selling to the professionals who have written the gateway pages.
But the most important thing you can do is explore SFI and TripleClicks, and find the areas that excite you most. Once you have found them, think about who is most likely to share your excitement about those things, and focus on them when you talk to people.
The more excited you are, the more interested they will be.
Hope this helps.
It can be hard to start up a conversation if you are not an outgoing person. Here a few things you can do to help yourself improve your face-to-face skills.
The first thing I would do, if you have a car, is buy the Wave3 starter kit and apply the decal to your car. This serves as a good ice-breaker, as there will be people who are curious and ask you about it. Make sure you carry some business cards with you that include your TC gateway URL on them, so you can hand them to people in exchange