You need at the very minimum 10 minutes to complete your red tabs! Many of us have limited time in our daily lives, however, when you log in and complete your daily, weekly and monthly red tabs you will have accomplished this task at the very minimum! It also shows your upline that you are a mover and motivated! Your benefit is that you will stay in your upline's mover tab and he/she will be more willing to provide his/her time to support you. So many affiliates don't even attempt to complete this one simple task. I always ask my downline, "how much time do you spend on Facebook, Twitter, watching T.V. and/or playing video games? Well, how much time do you spend? Look at it this way, we use conversion shopping to gain VP at Tripleclicks, yes? That is you replace the current products you use at home with TC products. So use the time that you would spend on other activities towards SFI. So the REAL QUESTION you should ask yourself is, "How can I best use my time to conduct my SFI business?" What other activities can I decrease the amount of time in doing and use that time towards logging in and learning my SFI business? Also look at it this way, is Facebook, Twitter, your T.V. and /or video games going to pay you for the time you spend in front of those platforms? By looking at it this way, how much time can YOU spend towards you SFI business?
You need at the very minimum 10 minutes to complete your red tabs! Many of us have limited time in our daily lives, however, when you log in and complete your daily, weekly and monthly red tabs you will have accomplished this task at the very minimum! It also shows your upline that you are a mover and motivated! Your benefit is that you will stay in your upline's mover tab and he/she will be more willing to provide his/her time to support you. So many affiliates don't even attempt to complete ...more