Frankly I never dwell on it.I just send out my letters,notes, and E-Cards.
This is my very favorite way to see who is reading my notes.Buy a $100 Gift Certificate.
Send each one $2 with a expiration of 10 days.
They must log in to use it.If they do not,you get your money back! Not so with T credits.
We must always send special group messages.I use the Movers most of the time.
Making use of the ones that have 90 days till their year is up,have really brought me some results.I explain what new stuff we have added, how I will try to be an Awesome Sponsor, and above all, tell them a few personal things about yourself.
Frankly I never dwell on it.I just send out my letters,notes, and E-Cards.
This is my very favorite way to see who is reading my notes.Buy a $100 Gift Certificate.
Send each one $2 with a expiration of 10 days.
They must log in to use it.If they do not,you get your money back! Not so with T credits.
We must always send special group messages.I use the Movers most of the time.
Making use of the ones that have 90 days till their year ...more