When SFI affiliates are newly registered, the first action expected of them to be performed in the Getting- Started action session is
1.” Confirm your registration”
2. “Whitelisting mail@sfimg”
The essence is to make sure that mails and other messages are delivered to them and are not classified as SPAM by the email service providers.
To confirm that your team members are receiving your email and other messages, SFI therefore, sends a copy of the email/other messages that you have sent to members to your email inbox folder and message inbox of your SFI affiliate center as an evidence that the mail has been delivered.
Other emails and messages which do not conform to 1 and 2 above are sent to your email SPAM folder.
When SFI affiliates are newly registered, the first action expected of them to be performed in the Getting- Started action session is
1.” Confirm your registration”
2. “Whitelisting mail@sfimg”
The essence is to make sure that mails and other messages are delivered to them and are not classified as SPAM by the email service providers.
To confirm that your team members are receiving your email and other messages, SFI therefore, sends a copy of the ...more