First of all you don’t require a credit card to become team leader. You are at no obligation to invest any money in SFI except TIME.
You can become team leader, If you invest your time wisely every day and using the various methods to earn VersaPoints for FREE. E.g. to do list, daily, weekly and monthly actions, eager Zebra games etc. and sponsoring more affiliates, duplication.
Even then if you want to purchase any product from TripleClicks then there are many other methods to pay.
You can use TCurrency, Localpay, Payoneer MasterCard .With this card, you can make any purchases you wish from SFI (including Standing Orders) funded with your own currency. You can also use it wherever MasterCard is accepted.
First of all you don’t require a credit card to become team leader. You are at no obligation to invest any money in SFI except TIME.
You can become team leader, If you invest your time wisely every day and using the various methods to earn VersaPoints for FREE. E.g. to do list, daily, weekly and monthly actions, eager Zebra games etc. and sponsoring more affiliates, duplication.
Even then if you want to purchase any product from TripleClicks then there are many other methods to ...more