I will not say the best way, but rather how you can gain experience at the auctions to assist you in making an informed decision on Pick the Price (PTP). It is important as a first step to be a regular observer of the auctions and may be a participant too.
When you observe or/and participate, you will begin to understand the price range with which certain products are won, the time of the day and the associated prices at which they are won, including the behavior of participants.
In certain cases for example auction may be won cheaply where only one 'big dog' is in participation and where he/she starts bidding early. Different time zones may have the effect of unleashing different caliber of participants at the auctions, while the behavior of participants ranges from those who are risk averse, risk takers, to those with pride and ego. Therefore, there is need to understand these intricacies when making a decision on PTP.
Please note that these explanations are not themselves sacrosanct in nature and therefore guarantee that this pattern will always be the case. This is because the auctions can be very dynamic and erratic at times and most importantly, the line between the issues I mentioned above are gradually becoming blurred and it may just boil down to share luck.
I will not say the best way, but rather how you can gain experience at the auctions to assist you in making an informed decision on Pick the Price (PTP). It is important as a first step to be a regular observer of the auctions and may be a participant too.
When you observe or/and participate, you will begin to understand the price range with which certain products are won, the time of the day and the associated prices at which they are won, including the behavior of participants.