-Follow the auctions, this way you can observe at what time during the day are most people active.More people online price is gone a be higher.
-Watch the title of auction for exsample double MPR auctions ussualy go higher than the junior ones.
-Check latest winner list. You can see at what time did auction started and what was the wining price, In this case you will notice a pattern witch will tell you hi high prices go in a certain time of the day.
-Most of all you will need is a dash of luck.
-Follow the auctions, this way you can observe at what time during the day are most people active.More people online price is gone a be higher.
-Watch the title of auction for exsample double MPR auctions ussualy go higher than the junior ones.
-Check latest winner list. You can see at what time did auction started and what was the wining price, In this case you will notice a pattern witch will tell you hi high prices ...more