Yes, in that it give clients who don't have a credit card a choice. When I started the first time, I had difficulty handling people who wanted a loan and wanted Tripleclick Credits prior to paying. I was only asking 5%, as it was a trust that I worked for. Clients had more confidence dealing with me. It wasn't affected by the drop in New Zealand dollar. Thus it was a hedge against inflation. If you have very good people skills and firm and decisive, you will have increased sales and a good business.
Yes, in that it give clients who don't have a credit card a choice. When I started the first time, I had difficulty handling people who wanted a loan and wanted Tripleclick Credits prior to paying. I was only asking 5%, as it was a trust that I worked for. Clients had more confidence dealing with me. It wasn't affected by the drop in New Zealand dollar. Thus it was a hedge against inflation. If you have very good people skills and firm and decisive, you will have increased sales and a good business. ...more