I do totally understand that you want to retire. At the time of retirement for me, I think I am going to go ahead and continue to log in on a daily basis though. Logging in, doing the to-do-list, and sending encouraging TM to those under me is not that hard. This is me personally though and you may want to have a life without computers when you retire.
So when you go to retire: First figure out who you want to have the residual income you have built up. After this is done, log on one last time and update your profile information to the trusted person. Let the trusted person know your password so they can now log in and send and do the job you normally do. Make sure they understand they have some homework to do in the LaunchPad.
I do totally understand that you want to retire. At the time of retirement for me, I think I am going to go ahead and continue to log in on a daily basis though. Logging in, doing the to-do-list, and sending encouraging TM to those under me is not that hard. This is me personally though and you may want to have a life without computers when you retire.
So when you go to retire: First figure out who you want to have the residual income you have built up. After this is done, log on ...more