I would say to them, talking like a businessman that SFI like any other legitimate business undergo 3 stages:
....First stage: Start Up Stage.
This is the stage where you invest your Idea, Time and Money to start the Business with a full understanding that you can't get all you invest into the Business at this stage.
It is the same with SFI, you invest your Idea (by venturing into an area of interest, exploring the TC Sales section, Games, Auctions Bidding Music etc), Time (by studying the free resources, performing your daily task as well as referring people to the business) and Money (for TCredit, PSAs, CSAs purchases amongst the many useful Items on Triple Clicks Store)to start the business, usually within the first 1,2,3 Months sometime 6 Months or 1 year.
...Second Stage: Income or Profit Making Stage
Having invested your Idea, Time and Money to start the business and it up and running, you start making returns on investment or profits. As an SFI Affiliate, this stage comes with a tag price of daily work building your team and having done a good job you can now seat back and watch your income grow every month.
....Third Stage. Reinvesting & Maintenance State.
To cut it shout, analyze all that you have done to bring you this far duplicate the good aspects that paid off, avoid those areas that cost you loses, maintain all your customers and team member as well as staff.
Do this, take SFI as your personal Business, remember invest your Ideas, Time and Money to grow your business.
I would say to them, talking like a businessman that SFI like any other legitimate business undergo 3 stages:
....First stage: Start Up Stage.
This is the stage where you invest your Idea, Time and Money to start the Business with a full understanding that you can't get all you invest into the Business at this stage.
It is the same with SFI, you invest your Idea (by venturing into an area of interest, exploring the TC Sales section, Games, Auctions Bidding Music etc),