When You are considering about the downline it is better to give them a Gift certificate or Tcredit if they are active. If someone active only for their initial sign up granting incentives just waste of money. In other hand when your down line working hard to achieve several GOALS granting incentives encourage them to stay on the business. The practice should be done according to the practical outcome of the information provided through the center. It will give affiliates positive image of the data provided with practical points achieved without any data waste.
Games, Pick the Price, Penny auctions (Price benders), W3 membership, Musician of the Month will help you to gain total outcome of the VersaPoint which is leading to the LEADERSHIP board of the center.
When You are considering about the downline it is better to give them a Gift certificate or Tcredit if they are active. If someone active only for their initial sign up granting incentives just waste of money. In other hand when your down line working hard to achieve several GOALS granting incentives encourage them to stay on the business. The practice should be done according to the practical outcome of the information provided through the center. It will ...more