Once you’ve figured out how to find the keywords that you think will bring you the most qualified clicks as possible, then it’s time to put them to the test by adding them to a live campaign. This is where the rubber hits the road when it comes to seeing what keywords give you the conversions that make the most sense for your business.
At this point a lot of online marketers would just put their campaigns on auto-pilot, but don’t fall into that trap and always be sure to have a good idea of how your campaigns are performing. Optimizing and testing your campaigns is just as important as finding the best keywords, but we’ll leave that topic for another time.
Once you’ve figured out how to find the keywords that you think will bring you the most qualified clicks as possible, then it’s time to put them to the test by adding them to a live campaign. This is where the rubber hits the road when it comes to seeing what keywords give you the conversions that make the most sense for your business.
At this point a lot of online marketers would just put their campaigns on auto-pilot, but don’t fall into that trap and always be sure to have a good ...more