You really can't stop anyone from joining other programs. In fact you should embrace it , let your downline be OK with multiple streams of income. As entrepreneurs , each stream we have will help build each other and make them all strong.
Just convince your down stream to stay active and grow their business with SFI. It will make the other opportunities even stronger, they can use the income from one to help build the other, and so on.... The more income streams the better for all.
Great question,
You really can't stop anyone from joining other programs. In fact you should embrace it , let your downline be OK with multiple streams of income. As entrepreneurs , each stream we have will help build each other and make them all strong.
Just convince your down stream to stay active and grow their business with SFI. It will make the other opportunities even stronger, they can use the income from one to help build the other, and so on.... The more income streams ...more