The only and best way to find responsive free safelists is to test lots of them out to figure out which ones are the best converting! Here’s how:
First you need to be able to track your links. Use a free social bookmarking site that provides analytics such as which is popular to create a tracking link to the URL of an S.F.I offer or website you’re promoting.
Promote that link to every free safelist you possibly can, sending the maximum number of emails at the maximum frequency allowed by the list owner. Don’t forget to keep clicking for credits to make sure you’ve got enough mailing credits.
Keep a spreadsheet to document the results over a period of a few weeks or more. You can create your own spreadsheet if you’re good at that sort of thing.
Calculate the Click Through Rate (CTR) for each safelist. CTR is determined by dividing the number of clicks by the total number of emails sent.
Now here's the best Tip: The higher the CTR, the more responsive a safelist is likely to be and this is what is going to determine which safe list is better than the other.
It is a bit of work to do but it's definitely worth the effort because you can then focus all your marketing efforts on only the safelists that perform the best.
The only and best way to find responsive free safelists is to test lots of them out to figure out which ones are the best converting! Here’s how:
First you need to be able to track your links. Use a free social bookmarking site that provides analytics such as which is popular to create a tracking link to the URL of an S.F.I offer or website you’re promoting.
Promote that link to every free safelist you possibly can, sending the maximum number of emails ...more