Have your Standing Order in place for at least 1500VP. This guarantees your position as EA2 without effort, time spent, or worrying about making it.
Now you can concentrate on acquiring at least another 1500VP to reach Bronze Team Leader. (Or higher, as you please.)
If your Sales VP (purchase of SO and maybe other products totaling 2000VP, or SO for between 1500-2000VP) total 2000, you only need 1000 more for BTL. My order is for a little over 1500, it's a little easier, and I still have room for purchases.
Then I make sure to visit Time Machine daily, Pick the Price of auctions, and I bid in auctions during the month. I make sure to do all the daily, weekly and monthly tasks on To-do list, and I rate 30 askSC answers most days (at least 10 EVERY day). I answer new questions in askSC (if I know an answer), too, hoping one day to have a top answer.:)
I make time to read Forum posts/replies as a learning process, and to keep up with what's up with others.
You need to do all the things you possibly can to promote YOUR business to the best of your ability - EVERY DAY!...
Have your Standing Order in place for at least 1500VP. This guarantees your position as EA2 without effort, time spent, or worrying about making it.
Now you can concentrate on acquiring at least another 1500VP to reach Bronze Team Leader. (Or higher, as you please.)
If your Sales VP (purchase of SO and maybe other products totaling 2000VP, or SO for between 1500-2000VP) total 2000, you only need 1000 more for BTL. My order is for a little over 1500, it's a little easier,