Absolutely! Matter of fact in reiteration to Gery's statement, he said if there was ever a better time for any one to Join SFI business, then that time is NOW.
Why? Because SFI has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Many great additions such as the newly re-branded marketing center, makes it so easy for Affiliates who join today to achieve faster results in their marketing efforts with done for you marketing tools. This was not so several years ago.
However as the Internet evolves from time to time SFI must constantly update it's data base to match the evolving internet. This is great for Affiliates like you and me because it means SFI is not static and dying for luck of innovation but rather Visionary and geared towards long term success for it's Affiliates.
There are factors that have held constant from the beginning that have helped SFI maintain it's rapid and steady growth which I believe attracted you to it in the first place to name but a few, like;
1. Free participation as long as you want with no obligation
2. Your own personal website provided FREE
3. Personal mentors provided for free for your support and assistance
4. Ability to create substantial Income giving away Free stuff
5. Ability to make money everywhere-global reach
6. Costs less than a dollar a day in sales to qualify for upper level income
7. provision of extensive free training and resources to help you get started fast
8. Ability to share in company's sales and commissions every month
9. Ability to earn monthly residuals from one time sales
10.SFI was built from ground up for the Internet
12.Great and extensive marketing tools so you can market how you like both online and off line
13.Great tools provided for easy and free contact with your entire sales team plus much much more.
The same principles of duplication, sales and marketing have not changed much. It's the systems that change from time to time and SFI has made sure it's up to date with most of that taken care of.
Based on the points above and more, you have every reason to succeed here at SFI. So the playing field is very fair. All you have to do is take massive ACTION and follow SFI success rules to the T and you won't have a reason to look back.
Absolutely! Matter of fact in reiteration to Gery's statement, he said if there was ever a better time for any one to Join SFI business, then that time is NOW.
Why? Because SFI has grown in leaps and bounds over the years. Many great additions such as the newly re-branded marketing center, makes it so easy for Affiliates who join today to achieve faster results in their marketing efforts with done for you marketing tools. This was not so several years ago.
However as the Internet