To build a personal SFI Website is best as Website always best. But it is more expensive. There are hoisting , domain name and other charges throughout the year. In a few cases there are some hidden charges also including real charges
When you are searching least expensive I suggest create a free blog is the best and least expensive as your personal SFI website. Go to Google Search to create your free blog. After creating the same write and post some potential article regarding SFI/TC. If you are not a good writer then go to Ask Sc and search for it. You will find a lot. Choose whatever best to you; make some addition/ alteration, if needed, post to your blog
For decoration of your blog go to Marketing aid section of SFI. Choose some banners. Copy pastes the html code to your blog to make it attractive and wonderful. Don’t forget to install a TripleClicks banner on your blog from the link in your VP ledger to get 100 actions VP
You will find that your blog is offering you to go to Premium. Now go to premium. You have to expense a small amount but in spite of that you will get some valuable tools, direct useful links to the social networking sites like facebook, twitter, linked-in etc and the facilities of upload, download. Moreover a great publicity of your blog worldwide
Once you go to premium you will get a personal URL of your blog from blog authority which you may also advertise in different sites to get more new sign-ups and TC Member
To build a personal SFI Website is best as Website always best. But it is more expensive. There are hoisting , domain name and other charges throughout the year. In a few cases there are some hidden charges also including real charges
When you are searching least expensive I suggest create a free blog is the best and least expensive as your personal SFI website. Go to Google Search to create your free blog. After creating the same write and post some potential article regarding