Your photo is an excellent example of what makes a good photo. Two changes you might make are to have space above or at least a little more hair showing and be in color. Being black and white can make it stand out, but doesn't have the same vibe as color. Your look professional, interested in your viewer, and your face is clear and looks open and inviting. In some photos the eyes are too prominent. This can be solved by closing them just a little so that you don't looked like a deer scared in the headlights or turn a little to the side or down but still your eyes are forward. Be sure and look as if you are looking at the people and not in a mirror. Most of the pictures I see are good examples.
My picture I cut off at the chin because I have a goiter that bothers me, but others probably don't even notice. Have someone else evaluate your picture because you aren't as objective as someone else would be.
Conveying excitement, pleasure, adding a child to the picture or some background can help personalize the picture so that others associate with it and want to be involved because of it.
Your photo is an excellent example of what makes a good photo. Two changes you might make are to have space above or at least a little more hair showing and be in color. Being black and white can make it stand out, but doesn't have the same vibe as color. Your look professional, interested in your viewer, and your face is clear and looks open and inviting. In some photos the eyes are too prominent. This can be solved by closing them just a little so that you don't looked like a deer scared in the ...more