This is how I explain the relationship between SFI and TripleClicks to my prospects in the simplest of terms:
I tell them that SFI is our 'office' where we come to do our daily chores, recruit new affiliates and get together with our team to strategize and see if any member needs help. We also set aside some time to learn how to improve our business by going to the ASK SC section and the Forum to see what the experts have to say about a wide range of topics, and last but not least, we visit the SFI news section to keep up with the latest events and trends. It's like reading the newspaper, but without getting your fingers dirty.
On the other hand, TripleClicks is like going out into the 'field'. You visit different stores to see their latest products and services and then let potential clients know about these products and services by advertising them in different venues online and offline. You can also disseminate the many services TripleClicks provides to its members in order to bring in new referrals. There are many effective tools available to help you do all this from home on your computer, tablet or smart phone, which save you a lot of time and money.
This is how I explain the relationship between SFI and TripleClicks to my prospects in the simplest of terms:
I tell them that SFI is our 'office' where we come to do our daily chores, recruit new affiliates and get together with our team to strategize and see if any member needs help. We also set aside some time to learn how to improve our business by going to the ASK SC section and the Forum to see what the experts have to say about a wide range of topics, and ...more