Here's what I would do:
FIRST - Define what 'YOU' mean by 'SUCCESSFUL' - What do you want to see accomplished by your marketing campaign;
new AFF sign ups? - if so how many? from what parts of the world?
new ECA referrals? - if so how many? from where?
my present team do more & move up the leadership ladder? - quantify, numbers & levels
SECOND - Look at these three areas to make your plan:
1) What are SFI's marketing tools and strengths?
2) What are your own strengths and resources?
3) Where is the audience with the greatest potential for the results you seek?
THIRD - Make your plan based on the answers to these questions, allocate your resources, fix time lines & deadlines and finally set up your feed back and review processes.
FINALLY - Action your plan, review your performance, adjust, refine and re-start.
Success is yours for the taking.
All my very best.
Here's what I would do:
FIRST - Define what 'YOU' mean by 'SUCCESSFUL' - What do you want to see accomplished by your marketing campaign;
new AFF sign ups? - if so how many? from what parts of the world?
new ECA referrals? - if so how many? from where?
my present team do more & move up the leadership ladder? - quantify, numbers & levels
SECOND - Look at these three areas to make your plan:
1) What are SFI's marketing tools and strengths?