Some investment like $100 can help to kick-start your SFI business. A good combination of products and services can be acquired. What is important is to spread the investment to add variety for the needs of the business. This is how I will use the $100:
125 T-Credit Pack Standing Order $36.25
One Share S-Builder Standing Order $22.00
30 Gift Cards $29.70
Paid Advertising $10.00
E-Book $ 2.00
TOTAL $99.95
The T-Credit Pack comes in handy to try my luck at Pricebenders auctions and also transfer T-Credits to my PSAs to motivate them. Auctions provide for bonus actions VPs and MRPs. It also provides me with a 1500 Sales VP to maintain my rank. In addition I get a monthly 100VPs (action) for maintaining my standing order.
The S-Builder provides me with a monthly flow of PSAs/ECAs and a 280 Sales VP. S-Builder saves me a lot of time in putting up classified ads.
Gift cards are a good way to attract TC members. The card has a face value of $12. For each gift card distributed I get 10 action VPs up to a maximum of 300VPs per month.
Some money spent on paid advertising can perhaps help to sponsor some PSAs in addition to that obtained from S-Builder.
Purchase of an E-book comes in handy if there is a shortage of action VPs as there is a 25VP entitlement for the product review.
A $100 investment provides you ample opportunities to move up to Team Leader rank within a short period of time.
Some investment like $100 can help to kick-start your SFI business. A good combination of products and services can be acquired. What is important is to spread the investment to add variety for the needs of the business. This is how I will use the $100:
125 T-Credit Pack Standing Order $36.25
One Share S-Builder Standing Order $22.00
30 Gift Cards $29.70
Paid Advertising