Purchase a package of $12.00 gift cards for under $30.00. Screen folks as best you can and hand these out with your enthusiastic endorsement for Tripleclicks site! SFI provides the tracking and you receive 10VP for each card redeemed (to a maximum of 300 each month).
Also, any purchases made by those you give these cards (or electronic code for digital version) will generate commissions for you. I purchase Gift Cards each month and have run a few of these now, offering the cards free on my blog. I generally double my investment ($30.00) from earned commissions on each pack of 30 cards I purchase and distribute now.
I only look at the first months returns, as each new TC member is mine for life and it would be impossible to calculate the income earned from any TC referral, as you will earn each month they return and purchase. A customer for life! :)
Purchase a package of $12.00 gift cards for under $30.00. Screen folks as best you can and hand these out with your enthusiastic endorsement for Tripleclicks site! SFI provides the tracking and you receive 10VP for each card redeemed (to a maximum of 300 each month).
Also, any purchases made by those you give these cards (or electronic code for digital version) will generate commissions for you. I purchase Gift Cards each month and have run a few of these now, offering the cards free on ...more